We understand that having a tooth removed is not your favorite thing. We aren’t happy about it either, but there must have been an important reason or it wouldn’t have been done.
The next step is much better because we get to give you a tooth back with one of our several tooth replacement options.
It is important to follow through with this second phase of treatment because not doing so could put your oral and overall health at risk. Here is why:
Missing Teeth Put Other Teeth in Jeopardy: When you lose one tooth, the neighboring teeth are likely to be next. Upper teeth will literally grow out of the bone looking for the missing tooth they were meant to chew against. Teeth on either side of a space where a tooth has been removed will tip into the space, pulling their roots out of the jaw bone. (See the image above.) Your teeth all work together in a balanced system and replacing lost teeth will restore and protect that healthy balance.
Missing Teeth Can Cause TMJ and Joint Problems: Teeth that have shifted or are not in alignment can cause stress and strain on the joint that works your jaw. Patients with these joint issues often suffer with chronic pain and treatment can be complicated and expensive.
Missing Teeth Can Impact Your Health: Chewing is the first phase of the digestive process. When your food is not chewed properly you may not be able to absorb it’s nutrients and will be more at risk for digestive issues.
Replacing lost teeth is easy with the many options that are now available:
We encourage you to restore balance to your mouth by replacing any teeth that have been removed. If you are in the Orange County area, we would love to help.
KN Dentistry – Orange, CA – (714) 633-2562
We look forward to meeting you. Call (714) 633-2562 or request an appointment online to set up your first visit. We’ll be in touch soon.