KN Dentistry

The 8 Steps of Guided Biofilm Therapy

Our hygienists are passionate about removing biofilm from your teeth. What is biofilm? It's a group of single celled organisms that live together in a colony and bind to your teeth and other surfaces in your mouth. Many of these organisms are bacteria that cause cavities, infections and periodontal gum disease. Left alone they can cause a lot of dental health challenges.

Recently, we added Guided Biofilm Therapy to our services. It is an advanced form of dental cleaning that is more effective at removing biofilm colonies and keeping your mouth healthy. Our patients not only love how thorough it is, but appreciate that it is pain free, backed by 4 decades of clinical research and doesn't involve traditional hand scaling or metal instruments. International patient surveys revealed many patients called it, "The best dental experience ever!"

The GBT protocol involves 8 steps:

Diagnose: We start by evaluating your teeth and gums and deciding what treatment would be best for you.

Disclose: This makes the biofilm visible to the hygienist, making it easier for her to remove.

Motivate: Based on our findings we will make recommendations for how you can best care for your teeth at home.

Airflow: The first level of biofilm removal using airflow, warm water and a special paste.

Perioflow: This second level removes biofilm from pockets below the gums gently and thoroughly.

Piezon PS: The third level is targeted, painless removal of any remaining biofilm or calculus.

Control: Re-examining the teeth to verify all calculus and biofilm has been removed.

Recall: Scheduling your next GBT teeth cleaning appointment.

With it's advanced technology, proven effectiveness, and more comfortable experience, we feel sure you will appreciate all that Guided Biofilm Therapy has to offer. If you have any questions or would like to schedule a GBT appointment, please give us a call.

KN Dentistry - Orange, CA - (714) 633-2562

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