oral inflammation
KN Dentistry

Oral Inflammation Has Been Linked to Dangerous Systemic Diseases

It’s easy to postpone dental care or forget to brush and floss when we have busy lives. We commonly minimize the importance of regular dental cleanings, exams and daily home care, forgetting that they help us prevent major diseases that can be dangerous for our health.

Scientists are focusing on chronic inflammation in our bodies as a primary cause of many of our health problems. Inflammation is an immune response to something your body perceives as a threat. It happens in your mouth when the microorganisms that live there are out of balance and bacteria levels are higher than normal. The most common causes for this are gingivitis, periodontal disease, infections or poor oral health.

If you don’t have an obvious infection the inflammation in your mouth will be more of a  chronic condition, which means that it is there for long periods of time. Chronic inflammation keeps your body in a persistent state of distress and consistently drains immune system resources.

Studies show that chronic inflammation can be linked to:

·        Cardiovascular disease

·        Diabetes

·        Alzheimer’s and dementia

·        Autoimmune conditions

·        Cancer

And, more. Many Doctors believe that limiting inflammation may be the key to healing most diseases that hinder or threaten our lives.

So, how can you prevent oral inflammation?

Get your teeth professionally cleaned at recommended intervals. The minimum recommendation would be every 6 months but may be more often if you have gum disease or other dental issues.

Brush and floss daily. Keeping your mouth clean will help keep the bacteria in your mouth in balance and prevent tartar that helps them hide and build larger colonies.

Guided Biofilm Therapy (GBT). This advanced form of dental cleaning provides optimum results and protects your oral and general health.

Eat less sugar. Bacteria love sugar and will be attracted to environments where it is more available.

Taking care of your oral health is more important than you may have realized, and we are here to help.

If you have not visited the dentist or had your teeth professionally cleaned in the last 6 months or have  recommended treatment that hasn’t been completed, we encourage you to call soon.

We promise to take great care of you.


KN Dentistry – Orange, CA - (714) 633-2562

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