burning mouth
KN Dentistry

Burning Mouth Syndrome

If your mouth feels consistently dry, irritated, or like it’s on fire, you may be experiencing Burning Mouth Syndrome. While not contagious or dangerous, this sometimes-painful condition can last for years and impact your quality of life.

Common symptoms include pain, burning, tingling, irritation, numbness or a mouth that feels chronically dry. These symptoms may be constant or come and go over time.

Common Causes of Burning Mouth Syndrome

Irritation – When you have something rubbing, scratching or exposure to things that are hot or acidic, your mouth can become inflamed. Smoking is also a source of chronic irritation.

GERD – With acid reflux and related conditions, acid from your digestive system can back up into your mouth, burning or irritating soft tissue.

Chronic Dry Mouth – In addition to thirst, a dry mouth can also cause your tongue and other tissue in your mouth to feel uncomfortable.

Medications – Many prescription and over the counter medications can contribute to Burning Mouth Syndrome, including antihistamines, decongestants, water pills and anti-depressants. Your pharmacist or doctor may be able to help you with alternatives.

Vitamin Deficiencies – Low levels of B vitamins, iron, zinc and other components of good health can contribute to a burning feeling in your mouth.

Oral Health Issues – A burning mouth may be a sign of periodontal gum disease, infections or an imbalance of microorganisms in your oral microbiome.

Burning Mouth Syndrome Remedies to Try

·        Stay hydrated – drinking a lot of water hydrates and keeps sore areas clean

·        Take a balanced multivitamin that includes minerals

·        Try cool salt water rinses to soothe irritated areas

·        Eat or drink things that are cold to cool the burning feeling

·        Minimize acidic, spicy or carbonated foods and drinks

·        Try over the counter pain relievers

·        Stop smoking

·        Talk to your doctor if you feel medications, acid reflux or another medical problem could be the problem. They can also evaluate you for vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

If you have any sores or discomfort that persist for more than a couple weeks or are experiencing severe discomfort, please give us a call. We can evaluate the situation, rule out serious issues and find solutions to help you feel better.

We are here to help.


KN Dentistry – Orange, CA – (714) 633-2562

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